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Nov 29, 2021

Hi It’s the RV Wingman… and Comin’ up….on the rv show usa


Transitioning…to Full Time! Moving out of 3,500 square feet and into around 400


What “is it”…that’s got the RV Odd Couple…so “worked up”?


Winterizing your RV. It’s a lot “MORE” than draining your hot water heater and using...

Nov 22, 2021

Campground Rules- Are Rules meant to be strictly adhered to or are they simply Campgound “suggestions”?

The RV Manufacturer that Dealer Service Department people don’t like!

Meet the Author of the RV Buyer’s Handbook

Nov 14, 2021

When most RVs (both good and bad) are made up of similar components, why is one considered to be crappy and the other to be well-built?


Canadian Snowbirds are headed south- FINALLY!


One man’s story of how the Covid Pandemic helped redirect his life and connect him with tens of thousands of school age kids to help...

Nov 1, 2021

What two things does this Minimalist regret donating?

Overcoming tragedy to realize their dreams; one couple’s incredible journey toward becoming Full-Time RV Nomads

What does the Wingman advise buyers that some dealers and manufacturers wish he’d NOT say?

With parts shortages and unprecedented demand, are...